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  • Sierra

    Sierra is deeply passionate about helping others feel less alone in their pain. Each day, she finds inspiration in standing beside not only individuals, but also couples, as they navigate the traumas from various stages of their lives, guiding them through the processing of resurfaced experiences in adulthood that often reveal untouched scars.

    During couples counseling, Sierra strives to understand and examine the dynamics within intimate connections and how inner pain can serve as a barrier to these relationships. She does this by exploring profound feelings of isolation, sources of past agony that impact the present self, and the nuances of anxious and avoidant attachment styles, then aids partners in healing and recovering from their past, and current, relational wounds.

    Sierra sees people through the lens of psychodynamic therapy, and aims to challenge the thought patterns that obscure people’s vulnerabilities. She embraces the profound act of sitting with difficult emotions, encouraging clients to reflect inwardly and confront their internal barriers. Sierra’s therapeutic approach centers on cultivating awareness, reflecting on the uncomfortable parts of ourselves, understanding past experiences, and challenging any defenses that impede healing. Her incisive questions aim to guide clients in exploring the origins of their experiences and resolving internal conflicts.

    Sierra believes that the most effective therapy arises from a strong therapeutic rapport, a collaborative effort to deepen the conversation, and a willingness to embrace diverse theories, perspectives, and understandings. Her greatest privilege is accompanying her clients through their darkest moments, fostering profound transformation and growth.

    Sierra earned her Master’s in Mental Health Counseling from NYU. She is a pre-licensed professional, and receives clinical supervision in multiple settings.